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Swimmer Pattern

Frequently Asked Questions

Is UWR safe?

Yes! We always make sure to look out for our teammates under- and above- water. Lot's of people think they will drown when they hear about UWR, but the rule is simple: when you need to breathe, just drop the ball and return to the surface!

What is full contact like?

Full-contact refers to the rule that players currently holding the ball can be touched by others trying to defend their goal or take possession of the ball. While this may sound aggressive, there is no tolerance for violent behavior, including grabbing equipment, choking, punching/kicking, etc. We make sure that every player feels comfortable with the level of contact they receive, and our practices are flexible so that you can build up to full contact!

Are there any requirements for joining?

Nope! No prior snorkeling or athletics experience is required, aside from basic swimming skills. We will teach you how to use the equipment and play. Several of our players joined with no prior knowledge of snorkeling, while others are experienced scuba divers; we will meet you at your skill level!

Are there any benefits of UWR?

Absolutely! UWR is an excellent cardio workout with a fun, team-based approach that will keep you motivated! Our breathing training is excellent for improving endurance and our swimming and fin use builds muscle. Many people come to our club to build endurance for activities like scuba diving and running. It's a great way to get in shape while making friends!

How do I breathe?

Each player is fitted with a mask and snorkel. Although play occurs at the bottom of the pool, players return to the surface to "clear" their snorkel (blowing out water), take a few breathes, and return to the action!

What equipment do I need?

Players wear a protective swim cap, a mask, a snorkel, and fins. Don't worry about brining any equipment to practice- we will provide starter equipment for your first few times! Should you decide to join our team, we recommend talking to Joerg Hess about your equipment questions- he is very knowledgeable and can assist you with finding gear that suits your unique needs!

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